Manufacturing IT

Manufacturing in the 21st century is about speed, precision, and agility.

Optimizing Manufacturing Processes through Advanced Technology

Revolutionizing Manufacturing with Advanced Technology

Dual Prism brings advanced technology solutions to the heart of manufacturing operations. Our Manufacturing IT practice combines deep industry insights with technological prowess to deliver bespoke solutions for modern manufacturing challenges.

Industrial IoT (IIoT) Integration
We facilitate the integration of IIoT technologies, from sensors to smart machines, to enhance real-time data collection and predictive maintenance. Utilizing platforms like AWS IoT Core and Azure IoT Suite, we drive operational efficiency and minimize downtime.

Cloud-Based ERP Systems
We implement cloud-based ERP systems such as Odoo, SAP S/4HANA, and Microsoft Dynamics 365, streamlining business processes from inventory management to financial planning. By leveraging AI capabilities, we ensure informed decision-making and greater operational visibility.

Digital Twin Technology
We utilize digital twin technology to create dynamic virtual models of your physical assets and systems. By leveraging platforms like Siemens MindSphere and GE Predix, we enable predictive insights, improve production efficiency, and optimize asset utilization.

Advanced Analytics & AI
We utilize cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud to build robust manufacturing data analytics solutions. Leveraging tools like Apache Spark for big data processing and TensorFlow for machine learning, we help derive actionable insights from your manufacturing data.

Cloud Migration & Transformation
We aid in transitioning your manufacturing operations to the cloud using secure and scalable services like AWS Industrial Software and Azure Industrial IoT. We focus on enhancing your manufacturing systems’ performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

Cybersecurity & Compliance
We safeguard your manufacturing data with robust cybersecurity solutions, including firewall management, intrusion detection systems, and secure VPNs. We also help maintain compliance with manufacturing regulations and standards through services like AWS’s IoT Device Defender and Azure’s Security Center.

Join Us on the Journey to Smart Manufacturing
Experience the transformative power of technology in manufacturing with Dual Prism. Let’s innovate the future of manufacturing together. Connect with us today to learn more.

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